E-ISSN 2799-144X

Full Journal Issue
A Freirean Critique of the Outcome-Based Education in the Philippines
Eloisa V. Bausas and Jose Alejandro S. Tenorio
De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
The Philippines adopted educational policies to attain global competitiveness and nationalistic ideals to align itself with Asia and the world. Through the Commission on Higher Education’s Memorandum No. 46, s. 2012 (CMO No. 46), higher education institutions adopted policy-standards to enhance quality assurance using outcome-based education (OBE). This qualitative study offers a Freirean critique on the pedagogical claims of OBE using critical research methodology and employing textual analysis of documents and key informant interviews. The study clarified nuances in OBE terminology and pedagogical claims and, from the Freirean perspective, found the current Philippine macro and micro level OBE implementation problematic. Moreover, OBE may address the mismatch of education with industry needs but diminishes education to mechanistic emphasis on outcomes which critical pedagogy (CP) finds as an untenable approach to education as it amplifies quality assurance which ironically, disempowers both teachers and students. Finally, the study recommended the revisiting of Spady’s theoretical OBE (the ‘real OBE’) from which CP can help put into practice via outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL), re-assessment of the classroom level implementation of the OBQA Typology and framework, and engagement in comparative study on OBE as envisioned by Spady and Filipino academes for a more sustainable implementation.
Keywords: critical pedagogy, critique, OBE, OBTL, quality assurance
Metaphorization of Banner Headlines in Selected Philippine Tabloids in English
Amor Jude Thadeus F. Soriano1 and Jonathan V. Gochuico2
1Imus Institute of Science and Technology, City of Imus, Cavite, Philippines
2De La Salle University – Dasmarinas, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite Philippines
News language is a genre in linguistic studies which academics, linguists and journalists, constantly examine. This paper analyzed metaphorization in banner headlines of Philippine tabloids in English, namely Tempo and People’s Journal. The selected banner headlines were analyzed through Speech Acts, Conceptual Metaphor, and Relevance Theories. The study revealed that the writers set several purposes in writing and presenting issues such as slants and editorializing through the banner headlines. The study also found that writers have predetermined goals like advancing editorial inclinations in using specific metaphors. The analysis shows that metaphors serve specific functions strategically used for specific types of news. The study recommends the creation of an annotation coding system in the determination of the effects of the metaphorizations used. Teachers of English as a second language, journalism, communication and creative writing may explore other areas of applications of metaphors in narrative works.
Keywords: metaphorization, banner headline analysis, pragmatic analysis, Philippine tabloid, ESL and journalism
Proposed Transdisciplinary Training Program for Teachers handling Children with Intellectual Disability
Mary Angelica V. Legaspi
College of Education Graduate Studies, De La Salle University – Dasmarinas, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite Philippines
Transdisciplinary collaboration has been acclaimed as the best collaborative practice that can address the issues of coordinated service delivery among different professionals. However, supporting literature is limited. Thus, the main question is asked, “What training program anchored on transdisciplinary practice for teachers handling children with intellectual disability (CwID) may be proposed?” The conceptual framework was based on Context, Input, Process and Output (CIPP) model of evaluation. A convergent parallel mixed method design was used in the study. Total population, purposive and convenience type of sampling were utilized in which the respondents were eight (8) school principals and 66 special education teachers in Divisions of Imus City and Dasmarinas City, Cavite. The results revealed that transdisciplinary practice elements were “sometimes evident;” and the challenge elements were “challenging to a minimal extent” in the current practice of teachers. Also, teachers performed fair transdisciplinary collaboration considering both elements. SWOT analysis through focus group discussion also revealed that lack of collaboration between professionals was one of the highlighted weaknesses in the current practice of teachers. To address these challenges, TRANSCENDS, which means to rise above and stands for TRANSdisciplinary Collaboration towards Effective Nature of Delivery of Services, was proposed for teachers handling CwID.
Keywords: Transdisciplinary, collaboration, children with intellectual disability, SWOT analysis, training program
Development and Validation of an ADDIE-Based Laboratory Manual for Senior High School General Chemistry
Edilyn A. Tomas1 and Marie Grace S. Cabansag2
1Quirino General High School, Cabarruguis, Quirino, Philippines
2Philippine Normal University- North Luzon, Alicia, Isabela, Philippines
This study crafted a laboratory manual in General Chemistry education for Senior High School to help teachers and learners make learning experiential in nature. The laboratory manual was anchored on the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) Model. The Analysis part allows learners to design activities which they develop, implement and evaluate in the course of their laboratory work. The learning tasks in the laboratory manual were responsive to the learning competencies of the General Chemistry 1 Curriculum Guide of the K-12 Program. Fifteen laboratory competencies in General Chemistry 1 were covered and a total of sixteen laboratory activities were formulated. The descriptive method of research through the process of instrumentation was utilized on the development of the ADDIE-based laboratory manual. The validation results by “experts” on the developed General Chemistry 1 Laboratory Manual show high reliability. The try-outs of the validated laboratory manual were conducted among students in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) academic track and revealed significant change of the pre-test scores compared with their post-test scores after exposure to the ADDIE-based laboratory manual. It indicated an improvement on the learning of the students. Classroom observations during the try-outs were conducted and showed that the ADDIE-based laboratory manual aided the teacher in attaining the criteria indicated in assessing teacher performance in terms of teaching effectiveness indicators. Hence, the ADDIE-based laboratory manual may be recommended for use in the teaching of General Chemistry 1 for Senior High School students.
Keywords: ADDIE Model, Laboratory Manual, Guided- Discovery, QLabTech, Classroom Observation Tool
Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities
The Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities (ALJEH) is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal published by De La Salle University – Dasmariñas through the University Research Office. It aims to offer a platform for the presentation of scientific knowledge pertaining to a myriad of subjects related to education and humanities. As a peer-reviewed academic journal, ALJEH is devoted to the publication of original papers and book reviews on the following areas: teaching and learning at all levels of education, education management, social science-related subjects, linguistics and humanities-related subjects. Some subjects that cuts across the disciplines of education and humanities are as follows: language, literature, psychology, history, philosophy, religion, visual and performing arts, communication studies, and cultural studies.
Editorial Board
Maria Virginia G. Aguilar, PhD (De La Salle University-Dasmariñas)
Associate Editor
Henry L. Bernardo, EdD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Jonathan V. Gochuico, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Manuel G. Camarse, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Mariano Thomas S. Ramirez, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Amika Wardana, PhD (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Rodney Jubilado, PhD (University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii)
Eunice Barbara Novio (Vongchavalitkul University, Thailand)
Christine Diaz, PhD (Ateneo De Davao University, Davao City)
Celeste Maria Condor-Sandoval (UNAIDS, Geneva, Switzerland)
Consul Mersole Mellejor (Philippine Consulate General, Milan, Italy)
Aiden Yeh, PhD (Wenzao Ursuline University of Language)
Rodney Jubilado, PhD (University of Hawaii at Hilo)
Jeannie Perez, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Liza Marie Olegario, PhD (University of the Philippines, Diliman)
Christoper Sasot, PhD (University of Perpetual Help)
Maria Theresa Quinonez, PhD Cand (Xavier University )
Amika Wardana , PhD Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Editorial Assistant
Jaime Zeus C. Agustin (Research Communication, Dissemination and Utilization Coordinator, University Research Office, DLSU-D)