
Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities Volume 4 Number 1
05/10/2024 3:07:47 PM


The Role of Outdoor Activities in Civic Education Class: A Case Study in Higher Education


Gianina-Estera Petre

Adventus University, Romania

ORCID: 0000-0003-2753-7118



Outdoor activities are a favorable choice for learning in a non-conventional environment, rewarding students and teachers alike. This study focuses on pre-service teachers’ experiences regarding the outdoor activities organized for a Civic Education class under the theme: Expressing feelings in relationship with self, others, and nature. Structure-process-outcome theory (Johnson & Johnson, 2018) guided the study regarding how educators organize teaching activities to guide the learning process to positive outcomes regarding teaching skills. Further, this study aimed to create a favorable learning context so that the participants would decide to transfer the outdoor activities to their profession. The chosen methodology was qualitative research with a holistic single-case study research design and a photovoice component. The participants were 23 undergraduate students in the third year of the preschool and primary school education program. Data collection methods were observations, students’ reflective journals, and photos taken by participants and accompanied by essays created by following the SHOWED framework of Wallerstein and Bernstein (1988). After the thematic coding of data, the results revealed the participants’ unique experiences during outdoor activities, and a sense of unity and collaboration during activities and fellowship, not only increasing the desire to invest in relationships and learning but also dreaming of replicating good practices and excellence in their learning and teaching. For further studies, the recommendation is to use outdoor activities for other undergraduate courses and research the outcomes.

Keywords: Civic education, outdoor activities, pre-service teachers, case study, photovoice, Romania.


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Petre, G. (2022). The Role of Outdoor Activities in Civic Education Class: A Case Study in Higher Education. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 1-14.




Experiences of Unity Amidst Cultural Diversity among Tingguians and Ilocanos of Manabo, Abra


Ma. Aurora T. Colorado

Raja Soliman Science and Technology High School, Manila, Philippines

ORCID: 0000-0001-5310-4290



Unity in diversity is one of the major features of modern integrative societies. This study was conducted to explore experiences of unity amidst diversity among Tingguians and Ilocanos of Manabo. This study is ethnographic in nature, and used  descriptive-exploratory research design to present observations about existing relationships of indigenous and non-indigenous groups in the locale. A total of five key informants, two focus groups, and fifteen residents served as participants of the study. They were composed of elders, teachers, religious leaders, community leaders, and commoners. Findings revealed that Tingguian culture is rooted on their ancestors’ beliefs and practices while Ilocano culture is characterized by cross-cultural competence. In terms of spirituality, both share in the belief of one God though Tingguian spirituality has a touch of animistic ritualism while Ilocano spirituality with devotional fervour to Catholicism. Both are tolerant and respectful of their religions. As regards education, schools promote culture in its activities and programs. Educational institutions are culturally-integrated and value-oriented. In terms of leadership, Tingguians are tribally headed by “lallakay” or council of elders while Ilocanos support the leadership of whoever is in the government position.

Keywords: Cultural diversity, ethnography, harmony, unity


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Colorado, M.A.T. (2022). Experiences of Unity Amidst Cultural Diversity among Tingguians and Ilocanos of Manabo, Abra. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 15-26.




Mathematical Maturity of In-Service Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Imus City, Cavite, Philippines


Rhea R. Mateo

ORCID: 0002-4464-6220

Leonor T. Amacio

Azenith R. Mojica

De La Salle University – Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Philippines



This study determined the in-service junior high school mathematics teachers’ level of mathematical maturity in terms of expertise in knowledge of the subject matter. Validated questionnaires, interviews, and statistical tools were used to address the objectives. The results revealed that the respondents were found to have outstanding performance in Trigonometry, very satisfactory performance in Basic Math and Algebra, satisfactory performance in Geometry, and did not meet the expectation in Statistics. In addition, the teacher respondents have high confidence level in the use of general computer processes and telecommunications and average level of confidence in the use of other technologies in teaching and learning. In addition, a high confidence level in the use of general computer processes and telecommunications and an average level of confidence in the use of other technologies in teaching and learning were shown by the respondents. Given these findings, it is recommended that in-service mathematics teachers should have intensive trainings and seminars on Mathematics to improve their knowledge in the subject, and a special training on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to maximize its use in teaching and learning.

Keywords: mathematical maturity, confidence level, technology, action plan, telecommunications


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Mateo, R.R., Amacio, L.T., & Mojica, A.R. (2022). Mathematical Maturity of In-Service Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Imus City, Cavite, Philippines. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 27-37.




Predicting Grade Outcomes in EFL: Self-Efficacy versus Past Performance


Matthew Rudd

ORCID: 00000-0002-8567-7891

Philippine Christian University, Philippines



This paper aims to empirically test Bandura’s (1977; 1986) claims that the beliefs people hold in their attainment potential predict standards of subsequent achievement more accurately than past performances. This quantitative research study thoroughly tested the accuracy of self-efficacy scales by comparing the grades of third-year university business students who believed themselves capable of achieving vis-à-vis their end-of-third-year English test scores. These scores were also compared to those achieved at the end of the previous year to determine the predictive accuracy of past performances. The results of this experiment were mixed. Initial t-test inferred that there was no significant difference between prior stated beliefs of self-efficacy and end-of-third-year English scores. Furthermore, students’ past performances (end-of-second-year scores) significantly differed from those achieved at the end of the third year, suggesting that self-efficacy beliefs were the more reliable predictor. While Bandura’s (1977; 1986) claims held true according to general calculations, it transpired that across more precise measures, such as gender, ability level, and task specificity, a series of confounding implications were brought to light.

Keywords: self-efficacy, belief, accuracy, achievement, past performance


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Rudd, M. (2022). Predicting Grade Outcomes in EFL: Self-Efficacy versus Past Performance. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 29-49.




The Virtual Linguistic Landscape of Chinese University Websites


Zhang Yingying

ORCID: 0000-0001-8227-2760

De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines



With the continuous expansion of the scope of language landscape research, marginal language signs, namely atypical language landscape, have gradually attracted the attention of the academic community. The virtual language landscape of the network interface is one of the representative categories. This research takes the official websites of ten universities in China as the data collection scope, adopted the mixed research method of quantitative and qualitative analysis, and analyzed the code selection and presentation of the virtual language landscape in the education field from the perspective of language power and multimodality. The research found that in terms of code selection, the characteristics of “Chinese > English > non-lingua franca > minority languages” with multi-language co-occurrence and unequal power were noted. As regards presentation pattern, corpus shows a multimodal ideographic path combining lexical symbols, visual symbols, and auditory symbols. This study brings certain enlightenment on broadening the perspective of language landscape investigation and enriching the content of language landscape research.

Keywords: Virtual language landscape, Nationality universities, Language power, Multimodality


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Yingying, Z. (2022). The Virtual Linguistic Landscape of Chinese University Websites. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 51-62.



Ugnayan: A Positive Psychological Program for Enhancing the Well-Being of Filipino COVID-19 Survivors


Ann Gladwyne Vanguardia-Batanes

ORCID: 0000-0002-7513-8974

De La Salle University-Dasmariñas Graduate Studies, Cavite, Philippines


Jeannie A. Perez

ORCID: 0000-0001-7159-2902

De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines



COVID-19 survivors are prone to psychological distress even after recovery. This study developed and tested an online program, entitled Ugnayan, that aimed to enhance Covid-19 survivors’ well-being. Ugnayan incorporated the well-being elements of positive emotion, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and accomplishments/achievement (PERMA) based on Seligman’s (2011) framework. The study employed an explanatory-sequential approach with a quasi-experimental design. The quasi-experimental involved a mixed design (within and between subjects) where PERMA scores were measured. As a supplemental, qualitative data from selected participants were collected after the post-intervention. Using a mixed-model ANOVA, the results suggested that there was a significant difference between the participants’ pre-test and post-test PERMA scores. There was also a significant difference in PERMA scores in terms of symptomatology. Additionally, there was a significant interaction of effects between the Ugnayan program and the participants’ COVID-19 symptomatology. The qualitative data highlighted the participants’ improvement-related experiences which were related to gratitude, stress management, social connection, engaging in activities, finding purpose, meaning, and acknowledging small wins. Recommendations for further research and utilization of the Ugnayan program for the general population were also offered.

Keywords: COVID-19 survivors, flourishing, PERMA, positive psychology, Ugnayan, well-being


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Vanguardia-Batanes, A.G., & Perez, J. (2022). Ugnayan: A Positive Psychological Program for Enhancing the Well-Being of Filipino COVID-19 Survivors. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 63-73.



Cognitive Representation of Instructional Neglect of Advanced Readers


Maria Elena G. Arce

ORCID: 0000-0001-6839-3814

De La Salle University-Dasmariñas Graduate Studies, Cavite, Philippines


Jonathan V. Gochuico

ORCID: 0000-0003-0160-2794

De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines



This study centered on the participants’ experiences of instructional neglect in their ESL classes and their cognitive representations of the said phenomenon. Data were elicited by interviewing three Grade 7 students via online conferences brought by quarantine restrictions during the pandemic. Two classroom observations were also conducted prior the pandemic. Data were analyzed following Moustakas’ (1994) tradition. There were 18 codes identified. These codes were then thematized following reflexive thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006). It was revealed that the advanced readers’ cognitive representation of instructional neglect equals the inability to express ideas during classroom discussions shaped by their teachers’ lack of encouragement or peers’ assignment of pet names. It is recommended that curricular extensions such as providing enrichment activities and classroom interactions be made constructive to avoid suppressing the advanced readers’ potentials.

Keywords: Advanced readers, instructional neglect, cognitive representation, transcendental phenomenology, reading in ESL


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Arce, M.A. (2022). Cognitive Representation of Instructional Neglect of Advanced Readers. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(1), 75-86.




The Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities (ALJEH), indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CrossRef, and Andrew Gonzalez Philippine Citation Index, is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal published by  De La Salle University – Dasmariñas through the University Research Office. It aims to offer a platform for the presentation of scientific knowledge pertaining to a myriad of subjects related to education and humanities. As a peer-reviewed academic journal, ALJEH is devoted to the publication of original papers and book reviews on the following areas: teaching and learning at all levels of education, education management, social science-related subjects, linguistics and humanities-related subjects. Some subjects that cuts across the disciplines of education and humanities are as follows: language, literature, psychology, history, philosophy, religion, visual and performing arts, communication studies, and cultural studies.




Jonathan V. Gochuico, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)


Associate Editor 

Henry L. Bernardo, EdD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)



Aiden Yeh, PhD (Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan)
Gianina Estera Petre, PhD (Adventus University, Romania)
Helen Vilbar, PhD (Guimaras State University)
Jhunar Tauy (Cavite State University)
Evelyn Obo-Raz, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Jeannie A. Perez, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas) 
Royce Salva (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas) 
Maria Virginia G. Aguilar, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas) 
Mariano Thomas Ramirez, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas) 
Gladiolus Gatdula, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Paul Anthony Notorio (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Maria Theresa Gochuico, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Edwin Lineses, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Vangie Montillano, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas) 


Editorial Assistant

Jaime Zeus C. Agustin (Research Communication, Dissemination and Utilization Coordinator, University Research Office, DLSU-D)




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