Assessment of Trends in Higher Education Needs in Kenya
Simon Wachira Wahiu
ORCID: 0000-0003-2817-1285
Paulos Welday Mesmer, FSC
Tangaza University College, School of Education
The need for quality and relevant tertiary education is much more urgent now than ever. This is occasioned by the advancement of society’s agenda for social, economic, technological, and moral development. The study was designed to assess the tertiary education needs of the youth in Kenya, analyse the state of students’ college education financing in tertiary institutions, establish the status of the quality of facilities in tertiary level educational institutions, establish the ability of college education to address skills required for youth employability, collate the views of participants on the incorporation of value based education in tertiary institutions, and establish the responsiveness of college education to challenges related to global megatrends. The mixed-method approach was adopted to guide the study to cater to its qualitative and quantitative aspects. The participants of the study included college students (350), graduates (125), and educators (49). Students were sampled using systematic random sampling while college educators and graduates were sampled using snowball sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics while thematic analysis was used for qualitative data. The findings revealed growing trends in the shift in career choices for more practical and solution-based courses for the contemporary generation of young people. Financing education remains a major challenge for many college students. Education offered in many tertiary colleges inadequately addresses the challenges caused by global megatrends and the integration of value-based education in their curricular offerings. The overall quality of the institutions in the region was found not to be competitive by the global practice.
Keywords: Higher Education, Education Needs, Value Education, Global Megatrends, Education Financing
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Wahiu, S.W. & Mesmer, P.W. (2023). Assessment of Trends in Higher Education Needs in Kenya. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.55902/DWXU9465
Management and Evaluation of National Curriculum for French Language in North Central Basic Schools, Nigeria
Habibat Abubakar Yusuf
ORCID: 0000 0001 6442 1953
Department of Educational Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Khadijat Ashiru
Directorate of General Studies, Nile University, Abuja, Nigeria
Hafsat Aliyu Bada
School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia
This study examined the implementation of the national curriculum for French language in upper basic schools in North Central, Nigeria. The research design for this study is a descriptive survey design with the aim of getting valuable data for the research. The study’s respondents were 384 students from urban public junior secondary schools in North Central zone. The instrument used for the collection of data was a researcher-developed questionnaire structured on a 4-point Likert scale. In establishing the internal consistency of the instrument, Cronbach alpha reliability method was adopted with a coefficient index of .84 which adjudged the instrument reliable. Collected data were analyzed using Mean with standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that the participants accept that the nature of French is abstract and that poor instructional strategy top the factors that could hinder the delivery of the contents, on the part of teachers, and understanding those contents, on the part of students. It was recommended that poor teaching on the part of teachers need to be examined by the school administrators and that experienced, passionate and trained teachers in language instructional delivery be deployed to schools as findings in field revealed that some schools do not teach French language while some are being taught by Corp members and student teachers.
Keywords: Curriculum, Management and Evaluation, French Language, Basic Schools, Nigeria
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Yusuf, H.A., Ashiru, K., & Bada, H.A. (2023). Management and Evaluation of National Curriculum for French Language in North Central Basic Schools, Nigeria. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.55902/ISER7628
Lasallian Formation from a Distance: The Online Formation Programs of Selected Philippine Lasallian Schools
Henry Bernardo
ORCID: 0000-0002-4491-1995
Geamph Hate
Mariano Thomas Ramirez
Domingo Reblora, Jr.
Madison Valera
De La Salle University- Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Lasallian accompaniment is a general term for “all expressions of fraternal care and concern that support a person on his or her formative journey” in a Lasallian institution. It is an essential element of every Lasallian formation program. But the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic made accompaniment in Lasallian schools particularly challenging. Lasallian schools tried to adapt to the challenges by implementing online formation programs. This is an uncharted territory for Lasallian schools. Thus, this basic qualitative study describes the experiences of nine Lasallian formators and administrators from selected Lasallian schools in the implementation of their online Lasallian formation programs. It employed the SOAR analysis approach which specifically focused on four factors – strength, opportunities, aspirations, and results – relative to the implementation of those programs. Several themes were identified under each of the four factors. This study also provides suggestions for the improvement of online Lasallian formation programs and underscores the possibility of a blended formation program that utilizes both face-to-face and online activities during the “new normal”.
Keywords: Lasallian formation, SOAR analysis, online formation, Lasallian accompaniment
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Bernardo, H., Hate, G., Ramirez, M.T., Reblora, D., & Valera, M. (2023). Lasallian Formation from a Distance: The Online Formation Programs of Selected Philippine Lasallian Schools. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 21-37. https://doi.org/10.55902/FKCG4020
Cultural Technique-al Cues and Performative acts in Online Filipino Communities drawn from Korean Drama Series
Shirley B. Palileo
ORCID: 0000-0002-3127-9062
UP Film Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
This study examines the evolving culture of performatives in online Filipino communities through the analysis of Korean drama series, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary objectives include investigating cultural textual discourses in K-drama series, synthesizing the operations of film language within these discourses, examining K-drama-related performative acts in online Filipino communities, and analyzing the residents’ recognition and sense-making processes of K-drama discourses. The findings highlight recurring themes and film variants in K-dramas and the resident-informants’ lived experiences. Using the IPLC model and method design, value adding cultural technique cues and illustrative performative acts were generated in this scholarship.
Keywords: culture, Korean dramas, film language, online Filipino communities, performativity
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Palileo, S.B. (2023). Cultural Technique-al Cues and Performative acts in Online Filipino Communities drawn from Korean Drama Series. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 39-60. https://doi.org/10.55902/EFBF7468
Communicating Risk: Developing a Disaster Risk Communication Model for School-Initiated Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Interventions
Maria Theresa D. Gochuico
ORCID: 0000-0002-3426-4130
De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Informed by the constructivist grounded theory, the research set out with the general goal of understanding disaster risk communication as experienced by extension workers from selected Lasallian schools in the Philippines. The research specifically looked at how research participants from these selected schools define and understand the communication process and purpose in three DRRM phases: disaster preparedness and mitigation, response, and rehabilitation and recovery. Findings show that communication processes are distinctive in the phases of disaster and these processes are affected by inflexible communication system, dated engagement framework, and lack of DRRM training and education. The findings led to the development of a proposed disaster risk communication model for school-initiated DRRM interventions.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Communication, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, School
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Gochuico, M.T.D. (2023). Communicating Risk: Developing a Disaster Risk Communication Model for School-Initated Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Interventions. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 61-74. https://doi.org/10.55902/CBOZ8732
The Effectiveness of Counselors’ Preparedness Program for Suicide Attempt Cases
Erlene C. Umali and Marie Gethsemanie P. Hilario
De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Due to challenging demands in handling suicide attempt cases, counselors experience psychological issues such as stress and pressure, anxiety, burnout, and depression. This study developed a counselors’ preparedness program for counselors handling suicide attempt cases based on Gestalt theory and its concepts on awareness, wholeness-integration, and organismic self-regulation to provide the counselors psychological preparedness in handling suicide attempt cases. The purpose of the program is for counselors to manage psychological stresses by strengthening their awareness, wholeness-integration, and organismic self-regulation to maintain well-being, perform their work effectively and ethically, and live a balanced-quality-life. More importantly, the study investigated the effectiveness of the implemented Counselors’ Preparedness Program for counselors handling suicide attempt cases. The participants were 13 registered guidance counselors from four universities who have been exposed to handling suicide attempt cases. Explanatory sequential mixed method research design was used. In the quantitative aspect, quasi- experimental research design was used to investigate the significant difference between the pretest and posttest on Psychological Preparedness using Wilcoxson signed nonparametric test. Thematic analysis was used to interpret the qualitative data that described the experiences of the counselors which supported the quantitative results. The study concludes that the preparedness program based on Gestalt concepts is effective in addressing the counselors’ psychological preparedness in handling suicide attempt cases.
Keywords: suicide attempt, psychological stress, awareness, wholeness integration, organismic self-regulation
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Umali, E.C. & Hilario, M.G.P. (2023). The Effectiveness of Counselors’ Preparedness Program for Suicide Attempt Cases. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 75-86. https://doi.org/10.55902/MBXS6580
Ethical Standards for Religious Destinations and Attractions in the Province of Cavite
Venicris M. Alonsozana
ORCID: 0000-0003-1864-6531
De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Jamie S. Abad
ORCID: 0000-0001-8758-4624
International School for Hotel and Restaurant Management, Cavite, Philippines
The province of Cavite has plenty of religious destinations and attractions. A year after the global pronouncement of the pandemic, the twelve Catholic Jubilee Churches became the major religious destination and attraction in the province. To promote responsible visitation in these times, ethical standards must be observed by travelers, visitors and pilgrims. Through the logical methodologies of transcendental phenomenology participated in by parish workers, ethical standards for religious destinations and attractions were formulated using the essence, consciousness and concept-formation analysis scheme. A layout for an infographic displaying the formulated ethical standards was designed and recommended to be placed strategically in these religious destinations and attractions.
Keywords: Ethical Standards, Jubilee Church, Parish Workers, Phenomenology, Religious Destination and Attractions
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Alonsozana, V.M. & Abad, J.S. (2023). Ethical Standards for Religious Destinations and Attractions in the Province of Cavite. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 87-99. https://doi.org/10.55902/EYJN6262
Home Sweet Home: Strengthening Pagibig Fund’s Housing Programs towards Building Sustainable Homes
Thale Joy B. Escuton
ORCID: 0000-0001-7949-1516
De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
A global housing crisis is caused by a number of things: overpopulation, inflation, the lack of affordable housing units, low income, land and labor shortage, and there are many international and nationwide efforts to combat this housing shortage. Among the several sustainable and affordable housing initiatives and programs by the Philippine government is the conception of the Pag-IBIG Fund, tasked to be responsible for national savings and affordable home financing. The objective of this study is to formulate and propose an action plan that would help strengthen Pag-IBIG Fund’s housing programs to promote sustainable housing among low-income Filipino workers. To formulate this, various literature suggest the need to gather the perceptions of both low-income and minimum-wage individuals who are members of the Pag-IBIG Fund and the Pag-IBIG Fund housing developer partners. To determine the housing problems, perception of sustainable housing, and effectiveness of Pag-IBIG’s housing programs, the researcher employed a quantitative approach with the use of a survey with data analyzed through various statistical treatments. Results show that the respondents concur that physical inadequacy, limited selection, and proximity are common housing problems of Filipino low-income earners. The study’s results served as the researcher’s basis in formulating the action plan containing a policy brief and a public relations plan for information dissemination.
Keywords: Housing, Pag-IBIG Fund, Sustainability, Sustainable Housing
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Escuton, T.J.B. (2023). Home Sweet Home: Strengthening Pagibig Fund’s Housing Programs towards Building Sustainable Homes. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 101-118. https://doi.org/10.55902/BBYH9197
The Role of Parents’ Characteristics on Child-Parent Relationships in Homeschooling during COVID-19 Lockdown
Jeannie A. Perez
ORCID: 0001-7159-2902
Rowena P. Heradura
Betty E. Tuttle
De La Salle University- Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
The COVID-19 crisis has interrupted the education systems in the Philippines and the whole world. Most families were forced into homeschool learning. However, carrying out homeschool learning has also placed a strain on child-parent relationships. One hundred thirty-five Filipino parents who were homeschooling their children during the Covid lockdown answered an online survey. This cross-sectional study investigated how parents’ characteristics such as faith-based role construction (FBRC) and parent-focused role construction (PFRC) influence child-parent relationships (CPR) in homeschool learning during the Covid crisis. This study also investigated the mediating role of parents’ self-efficacy (PSE) in helping their children succeed in school between parents’ FBRC and CPR. The mediating role of PSE between PFRC and CPR was also investigated. Results showed that FBRC of the parents has a direct positive association to child-parent closeness but not to child-parent conflict. The PSE mediated the relationship between the FBRC and child-parent closeness and conflict. The PFRC was not directly associated to child-parent closeness and conflict, however, there was an indirect association between PFRC and child-parent closeness and conflict when the PSE was placed as a mediator between PFRC and child-parent closeness. There was also an indirect association between PFRC and child-parent conflict when mediated by PSE. Implications for educational policy-making decisions were drawn. Likewise, recommendations to improve the child-parent relationship in homeschool learning were also offered.
Keywords: child-parent relationship, faith-based role construction, homeschool education, parent-focused role construction, parent’s self-efficacy
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Perez, J.A., Heradura, R.P., & Tuttle, B.E. (2023). The Role of Parents’ Characteristics
on Child-Parent Relationships in Homeschooling during COVID-19 Lockdown. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 119-131. https://doi.org/10.55902/CPTP1544
PATúK: Caviteño Brigands’ Legacy in History
Palmo R. Iya
ORCID: ORCID: 0009-0009-5654-4318
De La Salle University- Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Patúk is the term of the Ivatans for hammer which is a certain tool used for beating metals or driving nails. It is also similar with the words “pukpok” (beat/hit), “bayo” (pound), or “dikdik” (smash) which denote hitting or beating something with force in order to bury or fix it. The term patúk was used to draw the acronym of the study on Pamana ng mga Tulisang Kabitenyo sa Kasaysayan (Caviteño Brigands’ Legacy in History). Cavite is known not only as a province of gallant revolutionaries who fought for Philippine independence but as a province with the widest record of banditry in Philippine history. Labeled as “ladrones” (thieves or robbers), “bandido” (bandits), “malefactors,” and “outsiders,” the brigands in Cavite gave headache to the government not only during the colonial periods but in this contemporary period as well. However, like patúk (hammer) that can cause pain to the carpenter’s hand once he misses his target but still so essential for him to be able to construct a house or any furniture, banditry in Cavite also left a positive legacy in the history of the province and the nation. This paper aims to discuss and understand the legacies of Caviteño brigands, first in the field of “bayanihan” (cooperation/solidarity) and their contribution in the development of Philippine nationalism.
Keywords: bayanihan, Himagsikang 1896, Kabite, pamana, patúk, tulisan
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Iya, P.R. (2023). PAT?K: Caviteño Brigands’ Legacy in History. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 133-148. https://doi.org/10.55902/QDVI6818
Sustaining Indigenous Culture in Mangyan Schools
Jonbert M. Caoli
Mindoro State University, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Jose Alejandro S. Tenorio
De La Salle University- Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
The incompatibility between mainstream education and indigenous knowledge, skills, and practices has dissatisfied Mangyans in attaining education through formal schooling. The nationwide implementation of the indigenous education framework must guarantee culturally sustaining pedagogy. There is a need to document the manners in which an indigenous people’s (IP) education is implemented and provided, and the problems experienced by the Mangyan schools become necessary to provide foundations for policy making for the better implementation of IP education. Looking at the contents, methods and approaches in teaching indigenous students, this study focused on how the Mangyan schools develop and sustain culture while teaching the standards of mainstream education. This study was facilitated under the umbrella of qualitative research, using interview and ethnographic protocols. Data were also drawn from documents, other resources, and activities in Tugdaan. Findings revealed the empowering and culturally sustaining interventions to learning which include access to mainstream language, elder pedagogy, creation of a safe space, and inward gaze through balancing academic, linguistic, and cultural interests challenged by the fast-changing national curriculum, disconnection with elementary education providers, lack of culturally relevant instructional materials, and disinterest of Mangyan youth to sustain their own culture. This study recommends using an inward gaze to affirm cultural aspects that are integrated into the curriculum and implement educational strategies in congruence with the Mangyan way of life
Keywords: indigenous education, culturally-sustaining pedagogy, Mangyan
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Caoli, J.M. & Tenorio, J.A.S. (2023). Sustaining Indigenous Culture in Mangyan Schools. Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities, 4(2), 149-159. https://doi.org/10.55902/ECPD1268
The Academia Lasalliana Journal of Education and Humanities (ALJEH), indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CrossRef, and Andrew Gonzalez Philippine Citation Index, is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal published by De La Salle University – Dasmariñas through the University Research Office. It aims to offer a platform for the presentation of scientific knowledge pertaining to a myriad of subjects related to education and humanities. As a peer-reviewed academic journal, ALJEH is devoted to the publication of original papers and book reviews on the following areas: teaching and learning at all levels of education, education management, social science-related subjects, linguistics and humanities-related subjects. Some subjects that cuts across the disciplines of education and humanities are as follows: language, literature, psychology, history, philosophy, religion, visual and performing arts, communication studies, and cultural studies.
Jonathan V. Gochuico, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Associate Editor
Henry L. Bernardo, EdD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Paul Anthony C. Notorio (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Leonardo Munalim, PhD (Philippine Women’s University)
May Mojica, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Maria Nornelyn Cachuela, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Edwin Lineses, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Maria Virginia Aguilar, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Angeline Cayago, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Teresita Pareja, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Jemerson Dominguez, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Jeannie Perez, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Maria Theresa Gochuico, PhD (De La Salle University- Dasmariñas)
Editorial Assistant
Jaime Zeus C. Agustin (Research Communication, Dissemination and Utilization Coordinator, University Research Office, DLSU-D)